The product range of Trek'n eat ranging from ready meals with meat and fish, and vegetarin dishes and vegetable source of various staple foods for breakfast and dessert. Trek'n will eat as special food on many expeditions (for example Arved Fuchs «Northeast passage», Robert Peroni / Greenland) used and has proven there often. To prepare the meal, only boiling water must be added. All meals are based on a value of about 600 calories per package and thus meet increased energy requirements during physical activity.
Peronin is a special drink diet with essential vitamins and minerals and is ideal as a food replacement during sport. Peronin immediately fills the memory for long-lasting and intense loads. Peronin provides power without overloading the body and supports so the performance over a longer period. It is easy to consume and tastes good. Peronin high-tech food is available in flavours: Orange, cocoa and vanilla.